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Individual results vary. There are no guarantees. Talk to the Doctor and medical team what’s reasonable for you to lose. Success depends on an individual’s willingness to comply with and complete the program. Measurements of blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar levels are a snapshot in time. All numbers and percentages listed above were calculated, in week #6 and in week #12, from 44 of 48 randomly selected patients who followed the medically supervised MetTrimMD plan through week #12. 44 of the 48 patients followed the program up to and through week-12. 4 patients did not complete the program for various reasons. Minimum result is the lowest amount lost by an individual patient. Average result is the average of all patients. Maximum result is the highest amount lost by an individual patient.

*The Small Print-Large Enough to Read

We invite you to read these 4 important disclaimers to help you make an informed decision.

First: Although we’ve quietly helped thousands of people reach their weight loss and health goals, there are no guarantees that you will reach your goals.

Second: Individual results will vary because you are unique. Your individual results and the time it takes to reach your goals won’t be the same as anyone else’s.

Third: We’re committed to your success. We’ll provide you with a proven medical weight loss program and the personal support necessary for you to reach your weight loss and health goals. However, your final results depend on you following the program.

Finally: Here’s some more information that you may find helpful. MetTrimMD patient reviews and success stories are from people who followed the program created for them by a MetTrimMD weight loss practice. Reviews are never edited. Success stories may be edited for length to fit a space, but never to change the meaning of the message. It is a scientific proven medical fact that weight loss helps to start a trend towards reducing or reversing most medical conditions caused by excess weight. That said, our program is not intended to diagnose. treat, cure, or prevent any disease.